Ambitious Dirt

Ambitious Dirt is a colour-matching puzzle game from Playhybrid, for Android and IOS.

Although I'd never worked on a puzzle game before Ambitious Dirt, (or a mobile game for that matter) I've always enjoyed the genre. From Tetris to Puzzle Quest, I've put more hundreds of hours into these kinds of games than I usually care to admit! There's a zone you get into when a puzzle game sucks you in... when you get that "just one more try" itch that you've just got to scratch...

We found that itch during Ambitious Dirt; as players navigate mazes of slime and try to clean up their houses with the help of a crew of multi-coloured sponges. It's a delicate balance between a simple colour-match time waster and a real brain-teasing puzzle game. We also built it with beautiful 3D graphics, a fantastic soundtrack and great animations and FX.

Ambitious Dirt was also my first experience as a creative director. I was lucky to have a great team who brought a lot of energy and enthusiasm, as well as a high level of quality to the project.

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